Thursday, February 01, 2007


Ah, life is good. I went to a SU workshop at someone's house last night and met some really nice ladies. We made FOUR cards and they gave us a goody bag with the makings of another card! It was very nice. I ended up getting the big flower for my free sale-a-bration stamp. I wonder if you can do this twice? I need to place an other order toward the end of the month with my consultant to get ready for stamp camp.

Today feels weird. My mom is leaving for Ireland today, my husband is leaving for Maine this afternoon. So it'll just be me and my 17 yo. ds this weekend. I'm trying to get the "girls" together for stamping and/or scrapping. If not, I'll go it alone!! I don't mind that at all.

And my appliances will be installed between 9 and 1:00 on Sat. YIPPEEEEEE! I will be able to see my countertops once again!!

Getting my hair cut and highlighted tonight. Another yippee! It's been driving me nuts. Right around the fourth week it gets pretty bad. I get mine highlighted every 8 weeks. How often do you go for a haircut? Do you schedule in advance or just wing it? I schedule mine at the end of every appointment.

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