Friday, February 09, 2007


Oh my wittle boy is driving!!! I took my 17 yo. to get his learner's permit last night and he passed!! I thought for sure we'd be taking another trip to the DMV. He drove home and then drove his friend home (with me biting my nails, of course). He did a great job. He also drove to school this morning. So cute. I think he's really proud of himself for a change. He hasn't had interest because most of his friends are 18 and drive him around. He finally realized he didn't want his 17th bday to come up before he got the permit (next Thurs. is his bday). I told him we needed to work on a job next.

My hubby got home from the sleep test at 6:30 this morning and was exhausted. He said it was hard to sleep with all that stuff on! I'm sure they'll say he has sleep apnea. I've been telling him for months now. It'll take a month to read the report!! Why so long? Maybe they're backed up since everyone seems to have it lately.

This is the last free weekend before my mom returns. I better enjoy it!! It's been so nice to be able to talk freely and not worry about what we're saying. I do hope she had a fun time in England!


  1. DS driving = mom's white knuckles. ;-). congrats on him getting his permit.

  2. Oh my, that's a great rite of passage for him, but I'm sure it's really hard on you. Tell him congratulations and be safe :)
