Monday, January 22, 2007


We (my dh) painted the two upstairs bathrooms over the weekend. One was a shade different shade because I picked the wrong one the first time (too powdery blue instead of watery). So I'm pretty happy with that one.

I cleaned out the room so he could do our bathroom and then I went shopping. WELL....I picked the paint out about 3 or so months ago. It's HORRIBLE!! My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw it. It's a bright sunflowerish yellow. I was looking for a muted gold color. NOT. I have no idea what we're going to do but it has to be changed. First I thought of some sort of faux finish over it to tone it down. Then I thought it would probably be more work and what if it's still horrible?! So I guess I'll be looking at paint chips again and I'm letting my hubby pick it this time! I guess I'm just not good with color. Somehow I think I'm ok with color in my scrapbooks but on walls, I suck. Mind you, we had to do our porch over during the summer too. And I take so much care in getting a gazillion chips and take my time deciding....I need a color class!!!

I'm very excited that our new appliances will be coming on Friday! Yippeee!! We got all Whirlpool - dishwasher, fridge, stove and microwave. I'm curious to see how stainless will look in my kitchen!


  1. Paint chips are very hard! That little 2" square is nowhere near big enough to know what it will really look like on your wall. In fact, I have a friend who has the same problem with her kitchen! Too yellow!! She was going for gold, also. Don't feel bad. You're definitely not alone with this problem. I can't visualize paint chips in wall size either. (And I'm good with color in my scrapbooking, too!)

  2. I'm not good with colors either. I hired an interior decorator for one hour ($75) and she came in and picked my colors based on furniture and artwork, etc. My husband was skeptical at first but we love it. No white walls in our house ever again!! Everything flows and we get so many compliments.

  3. I'm not good with color either, especially on a big scale. I get so nervous about it too, because I just can't "see" it on a large canvas. Hope you find one you both like, and like on the walls.

    OH my, all new appliances, I am pea green with envy! Please post pictures, I bet the stainless will look faaaabulous in your kitchen!!!!
