Sunday, January 14, 2007


I got 4 cards done last night. I just couldn't get up the desire to scrap. Today is the day. I may try to post the cards in a while. I just feel if I spend time posting, I won't scrap.

Weather wise, we're having a dreary rainy/icy day. I"m staying in. My dh had band practice so I hope he gets there and back safely (45 min. away).

My youngest has been much more pleasant and has stayed out of trouble (at least I think so). His annual Sp.Ed. meeting went well. They said they thought the old G was back. He actually smiled a few times. It was nice to see. So I'm seriously hoping this isn't a temporary thing or that I don't jinx myself by saying this. I"ve held off long enough! Very happy in this regard.

As a matter of fact, my hubby has had a better attitude also. He still hates the job but has decided if they don't like the job he's doing, let them fire him. He doesn't care any more. I think this is good for me and also his blood pressure!

My oldest hasn't been by much but I know I have to give him his space. He's loving the apartment and I totally understand that. He did take some photos for his wall frame. He loved this one of the two of us which made me happy! I'm finding that I can even look past the lip ring and tattoos!!

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