Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Random thoughts....

Ok, here's a good point for technology and myspace. I know it's had lots of bad reviews and issues but....my son came in this morning to tell me who "friended" him. It was someone from PA. We moved from there around 11 1/2 yrs. ago and he was just 5.

We were good friends with our neighbors across the st. They used to include us in all of their family gatherings on holidays. Anyway, we did everything together. So our boys were best buddies (4 & 3 yrs. old until we moved away). Their daughter was born on the same day as our son event though we were due 2 weeks apart. We've been out of touch since our last vacation together (probably 9-10 yrs. ago).

So she is the one who friended him. I'm so happy they got in touch and hope they stay that way. What's really funny is she mentioned that he was her first kiss! I caught them smooching one day when they were about 4. Too funny but we put a stop to that! They used to be so cute together. He'd call her his gf. He told me right before we moved away that when he gets big he's going to move back to PA, work at Genuardi's (grocery store) and live with Chelsea! Isn't that funny?!!

So....technology is good for finding old friends & keeping in touch. I won't even list why it's not good but thought I'd share a positive.


  1. your story is so cute! technology put into good use, I always love that.

  2. Cute story! Gotta love technology. I know myspace can have its ups and downs, ya just gotta monitor what your kids do. And can you believe it, I have one, but just have my momma friends on it, so all is good. *wink*

  3. That's such a great story! How sweet that they have reconnected :)
