Friday, January 05, 2007


I got my hair cut last night, went home and ate a quick SB dinner. Then I made a cute SU angel card and my ds called for a ride home. So....I took a photo to post and left the camera card at home!! Grrr.

Anyway, we had a call last night from our ME friends. They wanted to know if we wanted company this weekend. We didn't but felt guilty and said yes. PIA! We had planned on painting the bathrooms (it would be VERY nice to finish up once and for all) and I was going to the lss with a friend for the .10 paper & other things sale. Yes, I know I said I was on a spending freeze but I have things to return from Christmas so I was going to use the credit! ooops.

So now I have to run around tonight food shopping and cleaning. My dh is working at a show so he can't help. I need to buy foods that fit my SB diet and stick with it somehow. These people like to eat big time!! They love my baking which is NOT going to happen. I'm sure we'll have fun but we're just not ready for company. I still have to clean up my oldest ds' room. He moved out but it's still a wreck so I have to put them in the basement since my other "spare" room is occupied permanently by my mom. Such is life. Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. So where is the pic of the new "do"?? I need to get mine cut, but just don't have enough time in the day!

  2. Bummer on not being ready for houseguests. I'm guessing they don't read your blog! :) Hope you get to go to the LSS anyway, 10 cent sale sounds like fun!

    Have a good weekend!
