Thursday, December 28, 2006

Winding down...

Well, only two days left to my vacation excluding the weekend and I still haven't scrapped. I finished my Christmas Thank you set so now I can move on.

I was going to scrap last night but was talking on the phone to my friend formerly in MI, now in GA. So I cleaned up all of the Christmas stamps, papers, etc. and also trimmed some new SU stamp sets. Now I'm ready to go.

I think I'll go up and pull out my scrap stuff once my photos are done uploading. I'm fighting off a killer headache (migrainish) and hoping it doesn't ruin my New Years Eve.

Last year we were invited to a neighbor's and didn't go because I had a really bad one and I also felt guilty about my mom being home alone. Same thing this year but I think we'll go anyway. I did invite her, she just won't come. TTFN (tata for now).


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon. Those headaches can be deadly (not literally - ha) Happy New Year!!!

  2. Oh no, headache --- go away! What a bummer. I've been a little sickly too, but trying to get over it. Feel better soon!

    Hope you get some scrapping done, and yeah for the gift card. What pj's are you getting at Target? They have some cute ones! :)

    Happy New Year!
