Friday, December 29, 2006

Feast One Hundred & Twenty Four

How do you usually celebrate on New Year's Eve? We used to host our Maine and NH friends for the night. Last year we were invited to a neighbors house but I was feeling miserable with a sinus/migrainish headache so we stayed home. This year we are going to attempt to go next door again.

Name one thing unexpected that happened to you in 2006. My son had to have two surgeries - one on his mouth from a punk punching his teeth in, the other for double hernia surgery which was basically caused by a birth defect we never knew existed until he was 16! I hate to focus on the negative - so I'll add that he's fine now!

Where was your favorite place that you visited in 2006? Unfortunately we didn't really go away because my dh was unemployed and ds had to go to summer school. Not a good year all around. We did, however, buy a piece of land in Maine so we visited that a few times.

Main Course
What resolution is your top priority for 2007? Help my dh find a job he likes!! I'm also going back to South Beach in a hurry. I've gained 5 lbs.!!

Using just three words, describe 2006. Not so great! (I know that 07 will be a much better one).


  1. Good feast! Sorry to hear all of the bad things that happened in 06, but here's to a more wonderful, happier, more prosperous year in 07.

    Have a great New Years, and enjoy that party!

  2. Great feast!! Here's hoping the year 2007 will be a better one for you!!

    I've been around, just busy these last few weeks!! I will be back to posted more now!!

    Have a great New years!!


  3. Sounds like 2007 will be a great year for you! Way to keep your chin up!

  4. I hope 2007 is much better for you. You had a good and honest feast though

  5. Here's hoping you will have a happy, healthy, prosperous and wonderful new year!
